Informatics Projects

Building a Social and Health Information Platform (SHIP) in Central Texas

A pilot study that links and displays patient-level and community-level data from across sectors into job-specific visualizations and alerts. The SHIP pilot was completed in collaboration with the Health Information Exchange or HIE (Connxus) and staff from health clinics in the Central Texas region, and SHIP is now being licensed and tested outside of the research/IRB context.

Data Overlay Pilot

The Data Overlay Pilot tested the feasibility and utility of linking social determinants of health (SDoH) data inside clients’ EHR profiles, to create patient-specific dashboards related to asthma-related health risks and SDoH needs. This pilot focused on integrating visuals into existing clinical workflows, and many of the findings led to the development and design of the SHIP pilot. Related Publications Methods for development and application of data standards in an ontology-driven information model for measuring, managing, and computing social determinants of health for individuals, households, and communities evaluated through an example of asthma Developing a real-time EHR-integrated SDoH clinical tool