

Data Overlay Pilot

  • The Data Overlay Pilot tested the feasibility and utility of linking social determinants of health (SDoH) data inside clients’ EHR profiles, to create patient-specific dashboards related to asthma-related health risks and SDoH needs. This pilot focused on integrating visuals into existing clinical workflows, and many of the findings led to the development and design of the SHIP pilot.

Building a Social and Health Information Platform (SHIP) in Central Texas

  • A pilot study that links and displays patient-level and community-level data from across sectors into job-specific visualizations and alerts. The SHIP pilot was completed in collaboration with the Health Information Exchange or HIE (Connxus) and staff from health clinics in the Central Texas region, and SHIP is now being licensed and tested outside of the research/IRB context.



  • FHIRedSHIP takes the provider portal developed in SHIP and utilizes APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and FHIR data standards (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) to facilitate direct patient involvement in SDoH referrals via a mobile app. Patients can review and respond to referrals in the app; for example, they can send application forms directly to a social service agency or directly message clinic staff to ask about program eligibility.

Developing Real-World Evidence (RWE) for Population Health with Austin’s HIE Connxus

  • Austin’s HIE has a 20+ year history of collecting, aggregating and using health data from across the community (e.g. clinics, hospitals, EMS) to create longitudinal health records for individual patients and improve care coordination and treatment. The RIDE team works with Connxus to explore, design and pilot new HIE-based health technologies to advance population health research, make data sharing more secure and efficient, and ultimately improve individual case coordination and patient health outcomes.


Exploring the Feasibility of a National HIE Network

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of regional and state HIEs in building and maintaining the population health infrastructure required to share and receive health data in a reliable and timely manner. Building on that momentum, this study will establish a workgroup of HIE leaders from across the country to explore the feasibility of establishing a national network of HIEs utilizing new technical innovations and updated legal and regulatory requirements.

Blockchain for Healthcare (MediLinker)

MediLinker piloted the idea of using blockchain technology to securely and reliably pass simulated patient data using a personal medical data repository. This project also enhanced the UI/UX of the MediLinker app, and laid the foundation for the PrEPLinker and TestLinker projects.

Blockchain-based HIV Testing (TestLinker)

We are working with the Houston Health Department to pilot a blockchain-based applications for individuals to securely and privately share their positive or negative HIV test results with other medical providers or potential partners.

Blockchain for HIV PReP Services (PrEPLinker)

PrEPLinker is a tool that uses blockchain technology to allow patient and providers to securely share data related to delivery of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) services. RIDE is working with the Houston Health Department on designing the application and planning a pilot study, which will also inform the TestLinker project.